The first
known Longhair Weimaraners in 1935. Their first litter was in 1936
By Deborah Andrews
WCA Liaison to the German Weimaraner Club
The first breeding entries regarding the
Weimaraner appeared in the pedigree book of the German Shorthair Club.
Most entries were from the SH Weimaraner. Noticeable changes were
brought about through the notable Austrian, Ludwig von Merey von Kapos
Mere (1871-1938), who was famous for his many books on hunting dogs
written under the pen name Hegendorf.
At a show in Vienna in 1934, he saw the LH Weimaraner Tell von Stranzendorf
(OZW 279). TELL was from the SH parents Hella Wagner
bred with Pollo von Hollabrunner. TELL's sire and dam each had SH
parents and grandparents. Among Hegendorf’s most notable books was "The
Successful Battle Against Poachers By The Use of Hunting Dogs in
Forestry and Game Protection." He was not concerned with color and hair
texture, but rather with this versatile hunting dog and its many
practical uses.
The honorary title "forestry dog" applied only to such dogs, which in
addition to their hunting ability, proved reliable in game protection
and by distinguishing themselves in tracking these poachers. Hegendorf
worked closely with Otto Stockmeyer, the head of the Austrian Weimaraner
Club. Stockmeyer also held the title of Chief of the Department of
Forestry in Grafenegg. He had been handling Weimaraners since 1913.
Stockmeyer convinced Prince Hans of Ratibor-Hohenlohe of the usefulness
of the Weimaraner. Consequently, each forester and hunter in the service
of the government was required to have a Weimaraner for his use.

A puppy from the "N- litter” from Dr. Hans Schmidt*, zum
Laubwald, explores shallow water.
In 1924, when the Austrian Weimaraner Club was founded, 10 of the 32
Weimaraners in Austria were owned by the Department of Forestry in
Grafenegg. The Club was also the first hunting dog organization in
Europe which trained its dogs for security duties and for this purpose,
established competitive testing procedures. Using Stockmeyer's
influence, Hegendorf was able to convince Major Robert a.D. (retired) Herber, the President of the German Weimaraner Club from 1921-1946, of
the value of the LH Weimaraner.

Puppies from the "N-litter” zum Laubwald*, sun themselves in
the grass.
During the 1935 International World Dog Exposition in Frankfurt/Main,
the variety gained both national and international recognition. The
breed standard would be supplemented with a corresponding addition.
Meanwhile, in Austria, a systematic plan for breeding the LH Weimaraner
was developed. Klaus Hartmann from Wolfsburg, Germany (Breeding
Regulator from 1963 until 1975) attracted the attention of the club
members for the qualities of his LH Weimaraner, Nina von Branneckerhof
(W. 983) and her offspring. Countless valuable purebred LH Weimaraners
have come from the Greifenburg Kennel.
*Note: Dr. Hans Schmidt, a highly respected German LH
breeder (zum Laubwald), was the German Weimaraner Club's chairman of the Longhaired Weimaraner section for many years.
Ed Note: Debbie Andrews has published a
wonderful book, entitled The Weimaraner Memory Book, commemorating the 100 year history
of the German Weimaraner Klub e. V. 1897-1997. Information about
purchasing this book may be found at
furstpless@hotmail.com Tel: